Monday, October 25, 2010

He walks!

Nash recently started walking! yay! I knew that we wanted him to be walking, and walking well, before Laine got here and we got our wish! I didn't want him to be tumbling around all over the place taking some nasty falls, when I knew I couldn't catch him quickly enough with a newborn in my hands. He has progressed so much already. This video is of the first day of him walking out in free space. He had been walking from wall to wall or pieces of furniture for a while, but Eric said he just took off for the wild blue yonder one day while I was at work. This broke my heart of course, and I cried, but he sent me some video immediately and it made the situation a little bit better. He gets more steady everyday and now he walks more than he crawls.

Coming soon! Halloween and 11 month old pics

Eating and talking

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