My sweet, tender hearted little boy. I seriously cannot figure out how you are 21 months old. It breaks my heart in one way, because I feel like it's gone by so fast and what does that mean for the next 16 years! In another way, I see what an awesome little boy you are and it makes us so proud to see how far you've come.
You currently weigh about 30 lbs. You have been this weight for quite a while now, but instead of growing out, you are just growing up. You are verging on being skinny-which is kind of a new thing for you, and us. We are so used to our chubby baby. You wear size 2 t clothes, which is normal. I think your shoe size is around a 7, but you honestly haven't worn shoes much this summer, so we will probably find out soon. You have all the teeth you should have and will probably be working on your 2 year molars soon.
You eat pretty much anything, but are becoming pickier. You tend to go back and forth about your favorites. You still love your milk cup and occasionally you even share with your sister(thank goodness she doesn't seem to have a milk allergy) If you don't like something that we give you, you tell us "OT", which means hot. It's never hot, but you think that's your way of getting out of eating it.
You are still a good sleeper, but are beginning to have some nightmares and have spent a few nights lately sleeping with us, which I don't really mind at all. You have to be touching me at all times, and I just eat it up. (:
You are so very smart and understand everything we tell you, you just choose not to act like you hear us sometimes-like when we tell you no! You are still working on the verbal part, but it's getting better all the time. You say Dada, Sister, tink tink, bye bye, bite, awah (apple), ot(hot), all done, bababa(no no no) . You still don't say Momma, although I know you can say it because I've heard you. It's turned into a game now and when I say (say Momma) you just say MMMM and smile and run off.
You are so very cautious, I didn't realize just how careful you are until your tazmanian devil sister came along. You always try to slow down and make sure you don't get hurt or do something dumb. You aren't a daredevil at all. You still won't push the button on your batmobile just because you fell off, like a year ago.
You are a tender heart. When your feelings get hurt you get big crocodile tears in your big brown eyes and it breaks my heart. You try to hide it and be a big boy, but eventually the tears win and you will cry just a little. I hope you always keep this quality about you, that way I will never have to worry about you being a bully.
You absolutely adore your sister and whenever she isn't around, you ask where she is. You are so good to her and play with her a lot. She adores you too and I am so glad you guys have eachother. Even something as little as taking a bath by yourself, you will ask me where sister is. You occasionally will take something from her that you decide that you need, but you always replace it with something else.
I could go on and on about you, but just know that we love you and treasure every moment we have with you.
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