Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 months old

chewing on the wardrobe change

this face cracks me up!

jumping in the jumperoo

the ever present tongue!

in her Easter dress with Reese(exhibit A of her foot "issue")

Miss Laine-

You are now 5 months old! It seems to me that you are changing every single day! Just this morning I had you playing on your playmat and the next thing I know you have scooted yourself halfway across the living room! I couldn't believe it, you are now mobile. speaking of being mobile, apparently you decided to roll off the couch yesterday while I was at work! Daddy said you let him have it with those lungs of yours for a little bit, but no injuries to report. Apparently now you can roll over both ways, not just from tummy to back.

You are VERY drooly right now, so maybe some teeth are coming soon?? We have to keep a bib on you at all times or you just soak your clothes. Your hair is growing a lot right now and is just a fuzzy soft burr on top of your head, but it looks darker than your brothers was. You have golden brown eyes and your eyelashes are getting longer and curlier too! You love jumping in your jumperoo and playing in the exersaucer. Your high chair is a fave at the moment too and you spend quite a bit of time each day studying your big brother while he eats/plays/destroys his food.

Speaking of food, you are finally getting the hang of the rice cereal and seem to like it. I've also tried a little bit of sweet potato, which you seemed to enjoy. I am making your baby food for you, just like for your big brother so hopefully you will like the menu.

You are very chatty, as evidenced by the little video on the last blog. You definitely have second child syndrome and demand attention much more than your brother. You found your toes this month and love to try and put them in your mouth.

You sleep 11-12 hrs each night and take 2-3 naps a day depending on how long each nap is. You wear size 3 diapers and size 6-9 month clothing, but mostly 9 month because the 6 month are getting a little snug and short! You had your first Easter this past month and looked adorable in your little tutu that your Great Nana and Great Grandaddy got for you.

You adore your big brother and smile all the time when you see him. We love you Lainie poo! You are such a blessing.

ps. Good news! We had been noticing that your right foot like to point out a little bit more than normal, so after a few rounds of xrays we found out that everything is ok structurally! Seems like maybe it was just bent a weird way when you were inside me and just needs to be stretched back to the normal position.

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