Poppy and Nash sacked out on the couch. This is pretty much the only way he sleeps at my parents house
Nash-you are a doll! I adore you and so does your Daddy. I can't tell you how many times a day that we say how lucky and grateful we are to have you as our son and oldest child. You are really developing a little personality right now. You know when we are laughing and laugh right along. Sometimes you even figure out what we are laughing at and do it again just so we can laugh some more. You are so fun and love to play and go outside. You love the outside and cry everytime we have to come back inside. You wear yourself out playing so much that you are taking LONG naps right now, which is ok by us!
-You are still taking a morning and an afternoon nap and continue to sleep through the night! pretty much a perfect kiddo!
-You eat three good meals a day and take a bottle of whole milk in the morning and sometimes before you go to bed. You're really into juice right now and suck it down every chance you get.
-You have 8 teeth in and are working on a couple of molars right now, they are poking their heads through, but haven't completely broken through yet. You wouldn't know it though, you act like they aren't bothering you at all!
-You had your second ear infection this month, you got it after struggling with a cold for a few days, but got over it quickly.
-You babble/talk like crazy. We don't quite understand a lot of what you say, but you look at us like we are having a deep conversation and say it over and over like we are the ones that don't understand you and something is wrong with us.
-You like your bath time right now and stay in there until you are so pruney I have to drag you out. You love water in general and are constantly playing in any liquid you can find.
You have light brown hair that has some curl at the ends. It probably could use a haircut, but I don't have it in my heart yet to get the scissors out! big brown eyes that everyone always comments on when they see you! You are a big boy and weigh somewhere around 28 pounds. We haven't found a birthmark on you yet, but maybe soon.
I could go on and on and on, but just know that we love you so very much and are so proud of you!
In other news, we are having Miss Laine on Wednesday! We are so ready for her to be here and for her to meet all of her family and her big brother! I will post some pics of our new little family soon!
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