Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mommy daughter date to the pumpkin patch

Nash was at school doing his own pumpkin patch fun, so Laine and I took a trip to another pumpkin patch to hang out with some friends.  It was really hot that day, but we managed to have fun anyways. 

 the best group shot I got...kinda hard with so many kiddos
 sister girl
 she was so mad she couldn't climb the haypile like the older kids..this is the beginning of a pout
 and this is the end. poor girl
 she climbed all the way to the top by herself and slid down all alone!
 let's go again"!
 this is Reese and Laine.  Reese is obviously staking claim.  you can almost hear her saying "mine!"
 kisses for Charlie
 and Snoopy

 eating guac like her daddy-by the spoonful!

Playing Catch-Up

This blog post title probably appropriately describes every one of my yet to be posted posts.  I'm quite certain that "playing catch up" is what I will be doing for....the next 5 years!  Anyway, here are some pics I managed to remember to take over the past few months.

 Laine being Laine, she lounges with the best of them
 Nothing makes a little boy smile like a naked barbie doll
 Laine decided she needed to wear her headband this day
 a trip to the Zoo!
 standing up in the stroller to look at the elephants
 a stop for a little snack
 love this little girl
 they both thought the fish tank was pretty cool
 hanging out with the turtle
 Another Zoo day with Poppy and Mim
 up close and personal
 "trying"' to direct L the way we want her to go...haha
 catching a ride on the gator
 this pic pretty much sums up Laine's personality
showing the kangaroo some love