sweet crazy girl. You are 10 months old! You are now in double digits! You are so very silly and seem to really enjoy making people laugh. You have this silly fake laugh you do that is very cute. I hopefully will be able to catch it on video soon. Your hair is finally starting to grow in! I can almost put a clip in it. You have now discovered that the bows on your head can be pulled off, so that is what happens most of the time I have one on you, which isn't very often. (:
You wear mostly 18 month clothes and a size 5 diaper. Mostly because that's what size your brother wears and it's just easier for me to buy one size for both.
You eat 3 meals a day and take 5-6 bottles. I feel bad because you are so limited on food choices right now. 1 because you refuse baby food and 2 because you only have 4 teeth! I'm sure you are thinking "this again" when we feed you. sorry sweet girl, just trying to be careful so you don't choke on us.
You are sleeping soooooo much better!! hallelujah! You take a morning and afternoon nap and finally you are sleeping through the night for the last week! Your Mommy finally just had to get tough with you and let you cry it out a few times and you have finally figured out you don't need to wake up at night for a bottle. whoohoo.
You really are funny. You are playing peek a boo with us right now and crack yourself up doing it. You are constantly smiling and I hope you keep that quality about you.
You aren't walking yet, but you stand for around 5 ish seconds at a time before deciding you want down. You are perfectly content crawling everywhere, so who knows when you will crawl. I secretly hope it's soon because you are getting heavy.
We love you little monkey-you are such a blessing to us. We love you. Happy 10 month birthday.
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