I was beginning to think by the time I put this post up for her 7 month stuff that it would be time for her 8 month post...geez. Time is just flying by.
Miss Laine-
You are 7 months old! How did this happen? You are turning into a big girl so quickly!
You have started babbling quite a bit, you like to say m and b a lot. You also just like blowing raspberries and quite frequently soak the front of your clothes. Most of the time now you aren't in clothes since it's so hot right now, but occasionally we do put some clothes on you! haha
You take 6 ish bottles a day and also eat 2 meals plus some kind of little puff snack for breakfast. You don't take a pacifier so you tend to want the bottle to put you to sleep, but mostly just to gnaw on the nipple for a little bit to fall asleep. You love for me to hold you while you fall asleep and always fall asleep pretty quickly. You always grab your ears when you are tired, so we have pretty good cues as to when you need some sleep. You take 2 good naps a day, and sometimes a 3rd little cat nap in the evening time is needed. You still mostly sleep throughout the night, as long as you don't have a dirty diaper. You hate having a dirty diaper and cry as soon as you have one. If you wake up early from a nap I know it's because you have a stinky diaper. For your meals your fave foods right now are yellow squash and sweet potatoes mixed together with a little bit of applesauce to sweeten it up.
You wear 9-12 month clothing. Your body is so long that if it snaps, then 12 month is needed. Still no teeth--I know your brother was working on a mouthful by this time! You sit up independently and also lean forward and rock back and forth like you want to crawl, but then quickly go back down to your belly. I'm sure crawling is in your near future. You get very frustrated when someone puts you down and walks away, so you scream bloody murder until we "fix it" by picking you up--I think you have a little diva in you.
You prefer to be in the floor these days, so I think the days of the exersaucer and jumperoo are coming to an end...sniff sniff. More stuff to go up in the attic!
You are generally such a happy little cupcake and your daddy and I love you to the moon and back!
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